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Laura Vintanel


Idiomas: Español, Inglés, Francés

Asistente: Alicia Gayubas


Laura Vintanel, Socia de Araoz & Rueda desde 2020, se incorporó al despacho como asociada en 2011, tras tres años como abogada en el Departamento Legal de Grupo T-Solar.

Laura asesora en materia jurídico-mercantil, centrándose principalmente en el área de derecho de la energía, a empresas nacionales y multinacionales. En dicho asesoramiento se incluyen tanto todo tipo de cuestiones mercantiles como aquellas directamente vinculadas a cuestiones regulatorias que se plantean en el marco de operaciones de adquisición y financiación de proyectos de energía renovables (principalmente fotovoltaicos y eólicos).


«Outstanding knowledge of the energy sector, involvement and service»

– The EMEA Legal 500



Best Practice Renewable Transaction 2023 – Iberian Lawyer Energy Awards · Ver más

Sustainability Team of the Year 2022 – Iberian Lawyer Energy Awards


  • Máster en Asesoría Jurídica de Empresas por el Instituto de Empresa (2010).
  • MBA por el Instituto de Empresa (2007).
  • Diplomatura en Ciencias Empresariales por la Universidad Pública del País Vasco (2005).
  • Licenciatura en Derecho Económico (Diploma Esp. Económica) por la Universidad de Deusto (2005).




The EMEA Legal 500 2024

With in-depth knowledge of the electricity and renewables segments, Araoz & Rueda is equipped to handle the financing, development, construction and implementation of projects. Francisco Solchaga is singled out for his strong regulatory capabilities, while Laura Vintanel is engaged in a variety of corporate and commercial matters in the renewable energy sector. The team was recently reinforced by the arrival of Fernando Pérez from Eversheds Sutherland.


‘Its main differential value is personalisation and knowing how to put itself in the client’s shoes, providing proactive solutions to possible future problems.’

‘Always available and very flexible.’

‘Always available, happy to listen to different points of view.’


The EMEA Legal 500 2023

Araoz & Rueda’s projects and energy team is characterised by a multidisciplinary offering, with the promotion, construction, financing, starting-up and operating of renewable energy projects taking centre stage. Francisco Solchaga leads the team alongside Laura Vintanel, combining expertise in a wide range of renewable energy projects, including in relation to their acquisition, sale and financing.


The EMEA Legal 500 2022

Praised for its ‘absolute knowledge of the sector and its players’, Araoz & Rueda has particular expertise in the promotion, construction, financing, start-up and operation of renewable energy projects, mainly photovoltaic plants. The team is co-headed by the ‘outstanding’ Laura Vintanel, and Francisco Solchaga, who according to a client ‘is a perfect expert in the energy regulatory framework’ and experienced in the development of renewable energy projects. Testimonials ‘Extensive knowledge of local legislation and great experience in the operations that we currently carry out in Spain. This facilitates transactions by knowing what the market standard is and the best way to proceed in practice.’ ‘I’d highlight its extensive experience and knowledge of renewable operations.’ ‘Experience in the sector. Its flexibility in dealing with the client is also a strong point. Special mention to Francisco Solchaga.’ ‘The Araoz & Rueda team is united, with a high degree of understanding and, as a strong point, the absolute knowledge of the sector and its players.’ ‘Laura Vintanel, outstanding for knowledge of the energy sector, involvement, service and knowledge of competition lawyers. Francisco Solchaga, outstanding for knowledge, service and experience with competition lawyers.’ ‘Francisco Solchaga is a perfect expert in the energy regulatory framework and has extensive experience in dealing with all issues related to the development of renewable energy projects.’ ‘Lots of experience in the sector combined with an exceptional personal treatment.’ ‘Alejandro Araoz, Francisco Solchaga and Laura Vintanel are the people with whom we have dealt the most. Each has proven to be a 10 in their area and together they are the best team I have ever met.’

The EMEA Legal 500 2021

Araoz & Rueda is highlighted for its ‘great agility and availability, as well as market knowledge and abil-ity to manage agreements’. The experienced team is led by Francisco Solchaga and acts for promoters, contractors, banks, buyers and sellers, and has recently worked with a range of new and longstanding clients on project acquisitions and financing. Laura Vintanel was promoted to partner in 2020 and is a key member of the team. Testimonials: “Their knowledge of the client’s needs and their predisposition in the search for adapted solutions” “Paco Solchaga’s versatility makes him stand out from the rest of his competitors” “I appreciate their great availability and commitment” “Araoz & Rueda has a magnificent team that, compared to other firms with which I have worked, has great agility and availability, as well as market knowledge and the ability to manage agreements” “Francisco Solchaga is a reference in the market, and a professional of recognized prestige among Spanish companies that are in the energy sector. We all highlight their knowledge of the market, accessibility and availability, and ability to negotiate and manage agreements” “They need to know very well the steps to take in everything that surrounds renewable infrastructures, especially wind and solar. To be able to advise a client in this area, it is necessary to have a very specialized knowledge since there are many factors that come into play, from the development phase, construction and operation of the facilities” “The plus they have is that they are very involved in the energy sector and more specifically in renewable energies. They have highly specialized professionals with extensive experience in the sector, especially Francisco Solchaga”

Apariciones en los medios

JP Morgan acelera su apuesta por las renovables españolas con la compra de cinco plantas fotovoltaicas

Francisco Solchaga / Laura Vintanel
Junio 2020

Araoz & Rueda nombra socia de Mercantil a Laura Vintanel

Laura Vintanel
Enero 2020

Nuestro equipo


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