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Sara Garrido


Languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese

Professional career

Sara advises in all aspects relating to general energy law and regulatory, including in Due Diligence proccesses.

Before joining our firm in 2024 she worked in the Public & Administrative Department of Garrigues, Vigo (September 2021), where she acquired experienced in administrative and contentious-administrative proceedings in the sectors of urban planning, energy, real estate, health and food. She also worked in the Brussels office of the FINNOVA Foundation (EU), dedicated to the management and financing of European projects.


  • Specialization Program on European and Spanish Competition Law from The Instituto de Estudios Bursátiles (2023).
  • Master’s Degree for Admission to the Bar Centro de Estudios Financieros (CEF, 2023).
  • Dual Bachelor’s Degree in Law and Business Administration (ADE) from the Universidad de Vigo (2017-2021).

Relevant Operations


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