Current opportunities


We receive applications all year around for all categories of lawyers. Although incorporations generally happen in September, we often need to hire professionals, with or without experience, at any time of the year due to the increase of work load in our different departments.

Our recruiting process for first year lawyers consists of written tests (English tests and a case study). After these, short-listed candidates will undergo several interviews with some of the partners in order to determinate if their background and personal profile would fit into our firm.

The recruiting process for lawyers with experience will also consist of English tests, a case study covering the corresponding area of expertise and personal interviews with some of the partners.

The information regarding our recruiting processes and current opportunities will always be available and updated throughout this website.

At our firm internships are the main source of recruitment for first-year junior lawyers (for more information, visit Internship Program). 

However, if you have up to three years of experience (the limit to be considered junior at our firm), you can send us a cover letter together with you CV and academic records through apply for this position.

Important: Should you have preference for any of our areas of practice, please state so in your candidature.

We do not currently have any vacant position for lawyers with experience.

For the success of our firm we need not only excellent lawyers but top quality support staff to meet our client’s expectations. An absolute command of English is a must in all positions.

We do not currently have any vacant position in our support staff.


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