Tips for completing Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun - Mission 11 - Matsuyama City

Now you just need to execute a neat plan to destroy everyone around quietly and decisively. In shadow mode, mark two normal opponents per shot. Place Yuki and Aiko to the left of the shogun's tent or down from the fire. Use the shuriken to remove the straw hat next to the entrance. When the patrol spins fire, throw a stun grenade to get them and a straw hat at the same time. Now, when two ordinary soldiers start coming to check the noise, have Hayato jump out of his hiding place and throw a shuriken at a straw hat. When two incoming enemies approach the fire, launch an action in shadow mode to eliminate them. Now just kill two stunned opponents and gather your group in the shogun's tent.

Badges and achievements

Don't leave Masara. You can use a little trick to keep Hayato from being blocked throughout the mission. When the dialogue is over, you will start the mission with Hayato as your chosen character, going to pick up Masara. Start right-clicking (canceling the current action). Your Shinobi has to stop, and he won't lift the bound body. Now you can clear the path to the Shogun and then return for the body. You can also perform another task - to use sleeping pills on the guards. Because of this, you won't have to deal with two samurai standing in front of the main entrance to the shogun's camp. You can bypass them.

Use wagons. This is the shortest way to complete this mission. You need to get to the first carriage, leave it, wait for the second one and leave it near the shogun's tent. There is a high temple near the place where the second carriage is waiting for you. If you climb it and reach the top, you will complete the achievement in which you need to climb to the highest place in the pass.

Don't kill anyone in the garden. You can get it where you need to get the key from the samurai. You can steal it using Yuki's abilities. To help her, Aiko and Hayato need to attract the attention of the enemies.

Drown Lord Noboru . When you get to the top of the tower and see the scene, don't kill Lord Noboru, but knock him out instead. Now start lowering his body from the roof until he falls onto the stone ledges at the back of the mansion. Remember that you can throw the body, that is, the samurai on the balcony to stun him for a while. Now keep going lower and lower until you drop Nobora into the water. His death was shameful, and you will complete this achievement. Nesta análise e tutorial do Money Kitty App você aprenderá como ele funciona, para que possa decidir se essa é a oportunidade certa para você.


Juan Viaño Asociado

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