Does the new early termination legal regime really impact on NPL’s transactions?

In principle, it may be believed that the new early termination legal regime provided for in Law 5/2019 of 15 March, regulating real estate credit agreements (“Ley de Contratos del Crédito Inmobiliario” or “LCCI”) could have a major impact on the sale of real estate portfolios and non-performing loans (“NPLs”). Indeed, with the new early […]

Araoz & Rueda partner, Francisco Solchaga, awarded in the ‘Client Choice Awards 2020’

Araoz & Rueda partner, Francisco Solchaga, has been recognized as a Client Choice winner in the category of Energy & Natural Resources in the ‘Client Choice Awards 2020’ organised by the International Law Office (ILO), in collaboration with Lexology. These awards recognize those law firms and partners around the world that stand apart for the […]


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